Thursdays at 10 am
• Thursdays: 10 AM • Granite Masters Curling League • The Granite Masters is an Open league which allows any team configuration to play – men, women or teams of mixed gender. • Time 10:00 to 12:00 am, followed by social time in the lounge. • 21 game season, October to April. No playoffs. • Welcome to conventional and stick curlers of all abilities. • Two social events included in entry fee. • Spares play for free.
For more info contact: Claude Parent – Cell 204-298-6545 –
Please note you MUST click 'submit' at the end of registration for it to be completed. If you do not do this and/or have not received a confirmation email, you are not registered. Each member of your team (including 5th and 6th players) must register individually. Please enter the names of all members of the team when registering.
If you want to spare in other leagues click Account (top right), profiles, sparing (right side in red text), and check the leagues you can spare in.
How To Pay: 1. E-transfer to 2. Cheque payable to the Granite Curling Club. Mail to 1 Granite Way, R3C0Y9 3. Debit, visa or MC payments can be made by making an appointment with the club manager